Sunday, May 17, 2009

Imaginery Flowers

These hybrid flowers I created from my paint palette. Part Lily & part Trumpet flower. The possibility for colours for these flowers are infinite.
One day I was in my garden admiring some very beautiful majestic green trumpet flowers when I started to imagine how else they could look.
For a moment I saw monster alien flowers. Too sinister for me. I got my pencil out and started sketching and then I added paint and this is what I came up with. Bright and modern and original. It is impossible to have a dull day with all the colour in these 3 paintings.

1 comment:

  1. You have always been courageous and exciting with colour and content, both in art and life. These look like they were a lot of fun to create and I can just imagine them fitting right in to your gallery-like home. You are so clever.
