Saturday, April 25, 2009

Spectacular Fire Works

One day I became aware of a myriad of vibrant colours noisely clattering around in my mind that gave me an irresistable desire to paint. I had no idea of what I wanted to paint. I placed 6 big canvasses side by side and rolled a variety of blues onto the background with rags. I decided not to use brushes to control the direction of the paint. Instead I freely splashed and squirted whole tubes of paint onto the canvas and spread it with my fingers. For the next 14 months I randomly continued to repeat this painting process over & over again, intuitively building up layers of involuntary paint on the 6 canvasses.Then one day I knew I had reached the end and had to stop painting because I could see the amazing colour and hear the noise I had imagined at the beginning of my painting. My art work revealed to me a sky lit up with spectacular noisey fireworks spinning, spiraling, spraying & exploding off the canvass. Just like I have seen in the sky over the Brisbane river. Once a year thousands of people go down to the Brisbane river to see the majestic fire works display. An amazing sight for all to see as the sky is lit up with the spectacular colour and noise of "Fire works". A sight to behold.